...And the road becomes my bride
I have stripped of all but pride
So in her I do confide
And she keeps me satisfied
Gives me all I need

Tomorrow, I start my one month wandering through France and more.
First, I will go with my parents to Brest, at my sister's (10+ hours of car, in blue on the map). I will stay there for a week, and on the 2nd of november, I'll take a train (alone) from Brest to Mulhouse, through Paris (10+ hours of train in yellow, add about 3 hours between when my train arrives from Brest and when the other train departs to Mulhouse). I will stay there at my grandparents for 2 days, I hope I'll be able to see many people from there, before I go to Strasbourg on the 4th (only 1 hour of train, in green) to see more friends. Then, on the 7th or 8th, I'll take another train (4-5 hours, in cyan) to Paris, many friends to meet then again, hope there will be many BRUUTAAALIIIIISTs around.
But this is only the beggining :) On the 10th, I'll take the eurostar to London, and then another train to Hull (about 7 hours including waiting, in red). Then will start a crazy week of pubs and parties, until the 20th when I will go back to Paris (unless I find a job in England starting immediately). From there (unless I start a job in Paris or anywhere else in France), I'll go back to my parents using that sloooooooow train (7 hours, in pink/purple).

That's my keyring: my computer is my only home these days...
I foresee I won't see this month pass, being able to always be with good people, including many I definitely don't see often enough. I hope I won't annoy too much the people where I'll be squating, and that my inflatable mattress will survive until the end :)
Anywhere I roam
Where I lay my head is home
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