Building Houses
My parents have just finished building their house, and they are building 2 new ones. One where they will soon move, and the other one for renting. This is a (good?) way not to get bored: work in the house. Since my father doesn't like to install wall sockets, I do that (very interesting) job. I installed about 15 of them yesterday (electric sockets, ethernet sockets, even sockets for hifi speakers!). My right hand half died in the process. Maybe I'll write an article on how to install an electric socket, but that would require taking some pictures (and, well, not that interesting).
Read on for pics
The door being installed in the house that will be rented (interesting process, isn't it ?)
The house where my parents will soon live, and where I install sockets.
My dad and my dog (Bianca) working hard in the house (the more you work, the more you need a break :)

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